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Using condoms helps protect you from sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancy.

C Card scheme for under 25s The C Card scheme allows anyone under 25 to get condoms free of charge. You can register for the scheme here on Tuesday afternoons.

We will give out condoms to anyone with the C Card on any weekday afternoon after 2.00pm.

Once you have a C Card you can also get free condoms from a variety of places - the list is on :

The pill

We can talk to you about going on the pill and give you the first pack. After that, you can see your own GP to carry on with the prescription, or come back to us, it’s up to you.

We can also chat with you about any problems that you may be having with the pill and try and find the best method of contraception to suit you. Remember, everyone is different and what suits one person may not suit another.

The implant

This is a small flexible rod which goes just under the skin of the upper arm. We’ll need to see you first to talk about this, and then we can organise a time for one of our doctors to put it in.

The coil

This is a small plastic T-shaped device which sits in the womb. We’ll need to see you first to discuss this, then we can arrange a time for you to come back to see us and have a coil put in.


For more information on contraception, see the FPA (Family Planning Association) website :


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In association with Free 2 b me
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